Meet Ally
Designed by Brian Graham, meet Ally, a private office solution designed to build trust and reimagine the role of leadership in the workplace.
A private office for equality
A place where managers become mentors, employees become partners, and meetings become collaborations.
Explore Ally

A new approach to the private office

The private office often presents itself as a space defined by fixed seating arrangements and storage solutions, imposing a somewhat rigid environment. Collaborating with designer, Brian Graham, OFS aims to reimagine the private office as a more fluid and collaborative space, moving away from its prescriptive nature. This evolution promises a dynamic environment that fosters collaboration and adaptability, aligning more closely with the evolving needs of modern work practices.
Reimagining a space for leaders
Where managers and employees connect as equals.
Brain Graham
Brian Graham
Brian Graham is the founder and creative director of Graham Design, a studio that specializes in contemporary furniture and related products for the workplace and healthcare markets. With over 30 years of experience in design and architecture, Brian has a strategic approach that combines planning, research, and creativity to deliver solutions that meet the needs and expectations of his clients and end users.

Brian is also an advocate and advisor for the design industry, collaborating with leading manufacturers, associations, and publications to promote the value and impact of design. He has received multiple awards and recognition from prestigious organizations such as AIA, IIDA, IDSA, IFMA, and The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture & Design. His mission is to create products that are functional, beautiful, and sustainable, and that enhance the quality of life and work for people.