Furniture Budgets in Minutes
Fast Furniture Estimator
Sometimes all you really need is simply a good starting point. With a couple of pieces of information, the Fast Furniture Estimate tool delivers accurate applications and furniture budgets in a few minutes. We can help you connect and have a meaningful, transparent conversation with your customers regarding their furniture expectations with visualizations and real budget numbers.

Getting your time back

You’re extremely busy so we wanted to provide you with a tool that eliminates the time-intensive efforts associated with “ballpark numbers” and “guestimates” for early project quoting. Quick, accurate information so you can keep the design decision making journey progressing.
OFS Estimator in action

We’re on the same page

We tried to do some of the monotonous thinking for you so you can quickly navigate to a budget and floorplan. Simply start a budget, add project information and you will start seeing your project information take shape. We’ve also included options at the end to add things that pop-up in projects so you have a clear view into what makes up the numbers you’re seeing.


Create fast and accurate furniture budgets with extremely little effort.

Edit Need to adjust items after they are applied, no problem, you can easily edit items at any point in the process.

Share Building a budget for someone else or want to hand off a budget to a teammate? We have made it super easy to share budgets!.

Download Ready to bring your budget items into a drawing? We have 3d assets for CET, Revit, Sketchup and Autocad ready to download.


How do I get access to the estimator?

Get in touch with your local OFS Rep. After a few exploratory questions they can have an invite sent out.

What information do you track with budgets that are created?

What we like to keep an eye on are things to help us understand overall usage like total number of budgets and last date accessed, thats it! We are not into tracking what you put into budgets or who the budget are created for.

What type of applications are available to use in a budget?

The OFS Estimator offers a host of different applications to pick from. For the workplace we have everything from Private offices, Open work areas, Meeting spaces, Training rooms and more. The Estimator also offers Healthcare applications like Waiting spaces, Treatment areas, Exam rooms, Staff spaces as well as Consultation spaces. 


Request access
Interested in learning more about the OFS Estimator? Just submit your contact information and we will review the request with our local rep and have them contact you directly once the approval is processed.