Are you truly ready for change? | LIVE from Pittsburgh MiniCon

Change is inevitable, but being change-ready is a choice. At the Pittsburgh MiniCon event hosted by Franklin Interiors, I interviewed five different people to glean lessons on how individuals and organizations can embrace change more readily. Here are my five key takeaways:

1. Trying new things often builds a change ready mindset.
Being changed-ready should include an understanding that some changes are just going to flop. And that's okay. Jane Hallinan encouraged trying new work postures or arrangements, even if they don't work perfectly at first. Not every experiment will be a success, but the act of trying builds your change-ready muscle.

2. Develop a habit of listening. 
Project manager Sanela Schnitgen views great listening as her key to preparing for change. Before she strategizes or even thinks about what’s next, she always starts with listening. This attitude around listening inherently builds a change ready mindset.

3. Incorporate nostalgia to ease transitions. 
Designer Beverly Shelby recommends bringing elements of nostalgia into major workplace changes. Keeping some familiar physical objects helps create continuity and makes people feel more comfortable amidst change.

4. Know that change builds your network.
Brand ambassador Pamela described her zig-zag career path and reminded us that change often brings new connections. Having an openness to different routes exposes you to new people and skills.

5. Blend generational viewpoints. 
Company president Ralph credited engaging team members across generations with making his company more agile and ready for the future. Distinct generations offer diverse perspectives that together build wisdom.


During this episode you'll hear from:

Jane Hallinan from Perkins Eastman

Sanela Schnitgen from University of Pittsburgh

Beverly Shelby from AE Works

Pamela Austin from Burns Scalo Real Estate

Ralph Dallier from Franklin

This episode was inspired by an episode The Disrupted Workforce with Warren Berger.

Learn more about Franklin's Pittsburgh MiniCon convention.


  • Doug Shapiro
  • Sanela Schnitgen
  • Beverly Shelby
  • Pamela Austin
  • Ralph Dallier
  • Jane Hallinan
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