A Deeper Life of Presence and Generosity | Vijay Gupta, Violinist and Speaker

Vijay Gupta has captivated audiences with his musical talent since the age of 19, when he became the first South Asian member of the LA Philharmonic. But beyond his performance abilities, Vijay dedicates his energy to using music as a vehicle for social change.

I was introduced to Vijay when he delivered the keynote address at the 2023 Environments for Aging Conference. In our conversation, Vijay shared  insights on two key themes:

Seeing your work and life as a verb, not a noun

Vijay stressed the importance of maintaining a mindset of constant learning and improvement. As he said, "We can all still live from that 'why' - from that deep intention." Vijay challenges us to let go of the idea that expertise means reaching an end point. Instead, we must commit to lifelong curiosity and growth in our passions.

Vijay reflected on how his own identity as a musician shifted when he began seeing music not just as a noun, but as a verb reflecting the endless opportunity to make a difference and evolve.

Generosity wins, even when it’s not perfect

Vijay also unpacked the significance of generosity and vulnerability for stepping into a deeper life. He encourages us to embrace offering our gifts imperfectly rather than waiting for perfection. As Vijay put it, "ring the bells that are cracked because we've got to ring the bell."


  • Doug Shapiro
  • Vijay Gupta
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