Retrospect side sleepover Side sleepover by Carolina
The Retrospect Side Sleeper is the key to maximize the use of any area. With its smaller footprint it leaves plenty of room for other important necessities within your healthcare space. While at the same time, once the side sleeper is pulled out to its full length it offers a comfortable resting place for guests with maximum storage space below. The Side Sleeper comes standard with an antimicrobial sleep surface which addresses infection control concerns, and features multiple options for you to create the perfect solution for any facility. Retrospect's unique design allows facilities and designers to create the perfect solution to sleepover seating.
* = Extended
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Designed by Beck & Beck Design Associates
For a product to be truly successful, Marcel and Rita Beck believe it must enhance and promote the company for which it was developed. That’s why before creating their design firm, the pair attended furniture design shows across the world, finding inspiration and building knowledge about the diversity of people and industries they would serve. In 1992, they brought back their experience to establish Beck+Beck Design associates. Their international sensibility still influences each of their contract and residential designs today.