Imagine a Place Podcast with Brian Graham

Sketching around with Brian Graham

Designer. Advocate. Advisor. Humorist - Brian Graham's talent extends far beyond furniture design. For nearly 25 years, Brian has been turning out award-winning and internationally recognized work, but it's his ability to connect and communicate with people that just might be his greatest skill and a not-so-secret to success.

In the wee hours before NeoCon, we sat down together in the OFS showroom to discuss what drives his creativity, how design is a "team sport," and the critical skills needed to be successful that might not be taught in design school.

More about Brian Graham

Designer. Advocate. Advisor. Brian offers a strategic approach in the design, development, and marketing of workplace furniture. “I’m an interior designer who has evolved into a furniture designer, and it informs everything that I do. While it's important to understand the object that I’m designing, it’s even more vital to understand how it’s going to be used. That’s why planning is the foundation of everything that I do.” Graham’s design solutions have been recognized by the most prestigious organizations in the U.S., including the American Institute of Architects (AIA), The International Interior Design Association (IIDA), The Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA), The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture & Design GOOD Design Awards and The International Facilities Management Association.


  • Doug Shapiro
  • Brian Graham
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