Contract #:
Sept 1, 2025
Current price list at time of order effective 7/1/2024
Textiles: Textiles are updated frequently; please check the OFS website to verify a textile grade before order.
Through authorized dealers only:
Creative Office Resources - Hartford, CT
Red Thread Spaces - Hartford, CT
Interscape Commercial Environments - Farmington CT
Stamford Office Furniture - Stamford, CT
Workspace Consulting Group - Stamfort, CT
State Discounts: OFS / Carolina:
Tier 1: $1 – 24,999 A=50% B=42% C=45%
Tier 2: $25,000 – 99,999 A=51% B=43% C=46%
Tier 3: $100,000 – 249,999 A=52% B=44% C=47%
Tier 4: $250,000 – 399,999 A=54% B=46% C=49%
Tier 5: $400,000 - over A=55% B=47% C=50%
A = Drop Shipped, No Installation
B = Installation included in discount, based on Prevailing Wage Rate
C = Installation included in discount, based on No Prevailing Wage Rates
Storage Rates:
$1.50 per square foot per day
$10.50 per square foot per week
$45.00 per square foot per month
Design Rates - for design services of existing furniture product: $76.50 per hour
Installation Rates to reconfigure existing furniture product:
$63.00 per hour for normal work day hours
$163.00 per hour for prevailing wage labor
$94.50 per hour for overtime hours
$94.50 per hour for weekends and holidays