New Jersey

Contract #:
A81635 | T-NUMBER: G2004

Expiration Date:
December 31, 2024

OFS: Current price lists at the time of order
Carolina: Current price lists at the time of order - Seating and Occasional Tables Only

$ 1 - 50,000 List:          43%  Del & Installed  |  45% Drop Ship
$50K - 150,000 List:     46%  Del & Installed  |  48% Drop Ship
$150K - 400,000 List:   49%  Del & Installed  |  51% Drop Ship

$1 - 50,000 List:            40%  Del & Installed  |  42% Drop Ship
$50K - 150,000 List:      43%  Del & Installed  |  45% Drop Ship
$150K - 400,000 List:    46%  Del & Installed  |  48% Drop Ship

Textiles: Textiles are updated frequently, please check the OFS website to verify a textile grade prior to order.

Additional Information may be found at the NJStart website