Living Wall Planter Planters
Eco-friendly technology and biophilic design collide to create a flexible living wall that is a simple, pre-built system for live plants in the workplace. Providing many health, wellness, and climate benefits, living walls create cooler microclimates, decrease the ambient temperature, improve local air quality, reduce CO2 and noise levels, and contribute to urban biodiversity. Here at OFS, we believe that by incorporating biophilia into office design, we can create greener and more sustainable workplaces, sparking creativity and connectivity.
6 weeks
Lead times are determined by delivery date unless specified otherwise. Confirmation is needed upon
order submission, large orders might extend lead times. All lead times are assigned under the
assumption of standard product, materials, finishes, and textile selections.
* = Extended
* = Extended
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Questions and answers
What is the recommended diameter size of the potted plant that you would use to fill the Hex opening for the plant?
Typically about 5 to 6". However, a plant repotted from a round pot into a hexagonal pot will require additional potting soil to be added, but the proper answer for that question should be determined by the type of plant you're dealing with and how fast that plant grows. The plants that will be included in your plant packages grow slowly, and will usually do fine for the first two to three years, before they need to be transplanted or broken up into smaller plants.
Can you share the cord length for the 110 Volt circuit? is that a 3-pronged plug? is the cord color black?
* Cord length is 6'. Keeping in mind that it is not meant to be plugged in at all times. Only while watering.
* It is a 2 pronged plug.
* Cord is black in color.
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